
Showing posts from March, 2020

Traditional healers / Izangoma

Over and above their warmth towards meeting whoever visits the country, one of the abiding characteristics of Zulus today is their stubborn belief in their traditional customs and indigenous belief systems .  From time immemorial, the Zulus have always held a strong belief that the closest human link the living have with God,  uMvelinqangi  is through the connection they have with  amadlozi , a Zulu term for ancestors. The appreciation and elevation of  amadlozi  in the Zulu world and cosmological view say that there is never a stage where descendants of a family bloodline must sever their ties with the elders who preceded them. The living are dead without their beloved, and revered living-dead. Whenever a family or an individual experiences a series of mishaps, questions of a possible need to appease the  amadlozi  arise and attain urgent attention. The call for one to appease the ancestors often involves the slaughtering of a beast, main...

Introduction to my blog ♻️

Welcome 👍 I am Ayanda Thubelihle majola doing my final year in Public Relations Management at University of Zululand. My goal after graduation is to persuade my studies. I have decided to name my blog as "my Roots #MazibuyeleEmasisweni, i will go in details about our south African culture. Please walk with me as i tell you more. 24 December 2018, kwaMajola , Enkandla, esigcalabeni(KwaZikhali)